Hi there!
I'm French-born Alexandre LE PAPE, now living in Melbourne, Australia.
Mobile content and services specialist, project manager and sales engineer who loves UX challenges, graphic design, everything geeky and photography. After shooting film on a Nikkormat FTn as a teen, I was born again shutterbug when I got my first DSLR in 2009 and developed my skills in Melbourne, Australia, where I lived from 2008 to 2014 and in London, UK where I lived from 2014 to 2017. I'm now back in Melbourne - roaming the local photo walks groups and workshops.
Passion about digital photography does not preclude from getting back to older formats. I shoot plenty of film, especially medium format, on a few vintage cameras. I also got back the old Nikon that started it all and use it everyday.
Feel free to have a look and, why not, get some prints!
Contact me on info@pictureelements.net